Monday, February 11, 2008

Liberty League International. Is it real? Is it for you?

If you are reading this it may be because you have been introduced to Liberty League International. You are probably doing your own research as to if you should Join Liberty League or not.

You may have seen on the internet comments that vary from “Liberty League International Is a Scam” to others that bring out the fact that “Liberty League Is An Incredible Opportunity... for the Forward Thinking Entrepreneur”

So who should you listen to?

Let me lay it all out for you here, because I don’t have any financial interest no matter what you chose to do (remember how over 90% of the claims that ‘Liberty League is a Scam’ come from people who are trying to get you to sign up in their opportunity… hmmm, do you think they may have a financial interest by putting down a company so that they can hopefully get you to sign up with their company instead?... hmm, something to think about I guess)

Let me share with you what my friend Dr. Steve Price, an extremely successful author, speaker and business owner has to say about these whiners.

Here we go:

“Why Whiner Rule The Web?

Negative blogs and complaint sites dominate cyberspace. Why? Because world wide web empowers a few mean-spirited… misinformed… and misguided malcontents to spread negativity about legitimate companies and reputable people.

They call themselves crusaders. But I call them “World Wide Whiners” because they’re really just crybabies! They’re not really attacking flawed companies and individuals, like they say on their sites.

What they’re really attacking is success!

Other people in the same industries as Whiners are successful. Other people in the same industries as Whiners are accomplishing their goals. Other people in the same industries as Whiners are living their dreams.

But Whiners aren’t.

So, rather than taking responsibility for their failures, they blame others and use the Internet to broadcast their complaints into the world. Look around and you’ll see a pattern among the World Wide Whiners:

Winners are positive.
Whiners are negative.

Winners make money.
Whiners make excuses.

Winners take responsibility.
Whiners take advantage.

Winners build up.
Whiners tear down.

Winners attack problems.
Whiners attack winners.

Whiners thrive on the Internet because they know that someone, somewhere, will listen and take their whining to heart.

Just don’t let this be you! “

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